Friday, April 26, 2013


Credit for this initial idea goes to TheSwede75 in our thread on the BitcoinTalk forums, who smugly pointed out that porn rules the world and a successful cryptocurrency would tap into that giant, veiny market. The idea was then expanded on by willhash4food and Cheshyr until it...actually turned into a fairly decent altchain idea, especially once combined with some previous ideas our team were already kicking around. How about that.

Unfortunately for anyone's grand scheme to implement this devious plan, we've taken the liberty of hijacking it first!

PornCoins feature a set of 3 different coins that are all merge-mined and serve slightly different purposes. However, they all work towards the same central goal: Providing dedicated cryptocurrency support for x-rated material in a variety of situations for added flexibility. Double entendre intended.

The currencies which make up the larger PornCoins project consist of the following:

BoobCoin (BOOB)

The heavyweight coin of this set of cryptocurrencies, BOOB is essentially a clone of Bitcoin with the word "Bit" replaced by the word "Boob" instead. Which, obviously, makes it so much better already!

Additionally, a total of 69,696,969 coins will be generated and the block reward value will start at 69 because we can.

On a (extremely slightly) more serious note, this will support the larger transaction sizes that caused the recent Bitcoin fork from the beginning. Just so we avoid a freaky three-way of block chains later on down the line. Not to complain about being in a freaky three-way, though...

It will be used for the larger transactions within the PornCoin network as the confirmation times will take longer than the other two currencies. However, it can just as easily be used for day-to-day transactions if desired.

QuickieCoin (QuC)

QuC is "sort of" to BOOB what Litecoin is to Bitcoin; a faster transaction set for more realistic day-to-day transactions. After all, who wants to be waiting around for 2 hours waiting for your tip to the camgirls to process?!

The main feature of QuC is it will have guaranteed transaction times of 2 minutes or less. Just like a quickie, or that embarrassing first time. Not that all of our readers have had a first time to begin with...

Also, there shall be 6 times more QuC than BOOB mainly to force QuC to have a lower value by the laws of supply and demand. These smaller denominations will also help QuC firmly take the position of secondary currency and be the bottom to BOOB's top in this relationship.

All these combined mean that QuC will be better-suited for smaller, everyday transactions than BOOB. Sure, users can still use BOOB if they really desire, but the intent is that QuC will be better tailored to get a quick confirmation for small payments. This will make it more desirable for small transactions.


XXXC will have more in common with Namecoin than with Bitcoin, but it also plays an important role in the overall PornCoin project. This currency will be used exclusively to buy domain names from the .xxx top-level domain, similar to using Namecoin on the .bit domain. Due to the overall "flop" of the .xxx domain system at this point in time, this will (hopefully) help revitalize interest in the top-level domain and make it more feasible for the average person to purchase domain names.

There will be 6 times as many XXXC as QuC, meaning 36 times more than BOOB for those of you who failed basic math. This is mainly a "because we can" sort of a change, but is also to help placate those users who like seeing large numbers of coins in their wallet. Meaning Namecoin users should feel right at home using it.

The anonymity and security of such a currency means people would feel more comfortable with registering these adult-oriented domains with less fear of repercussions. Even in locations where pornography is a taboo, this would still help facilitate an increase in the overall viability of porn sites without fear of censorship.

Not that there's a shortage of porn sites online, or anything.

The Mining Client

This is where willhash4food and Cheshyr's suggestions come into play. The mining client will merge-mine all three of these coins simultaneously. It will also feature advertisements from porn websites on the sides of the mining client. Websites may bid on space for advertisements with any of the coins; each one will have a designated area on the client. For example, bidding with BOOB will place advertisements on the bottom of the client, while QuC will be used to bid for ads on the right panel and XXXC will be associated with the left panel.

90% of all advertising revenue from these advertisements will be repaid to the miners. The remaining 10% of the advertising revenue will go directly to the PornCoin foundation to be used for bounties on interesting new features. The foundation's money could also be used to persuade existing well-established porn sites/actors to accept these new currencies, and to help circulate the currencies more efficiently. If we assume an active, well-meaning group of Foundation members, most (if not all) of these coins gifted to the Foundation will be re-used in circulation frequently rather than hoarded.

Thus, mining will become even more interesting (but hotter and stickier, perhaps) for the many users of this fine suite of coins. There will also potentially be a reason to keep the mining client open, which will also help generate page views for the sites paying for advertisements. It really is a win-win situation, especially if you keep lotion and kleenex close to your mining rigs!

Again, we unfortunately do not have any source code to release this time around, but we shall work on creating proper clients for all the PornCoins and for !BTC (which we featured here last time).

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